This  practical activity has two main Parts:

      • Ordering Sentinel-3 OLCI data
      • Visualising Simple RGB Using SNAP

What is Sentinel-3 OLCI data?

OLCI (Ocean and Land Colour Instrument) is ESA’s advanced ocean and land colour sensor on the Sentinel-3A satellite launched in 2016 and on Sentinel-3B launched in 2018.

          • OLCI has:
            1. WRR (Water Reduced Resolution) at ~1000 m spatial resolution.
            2. WFR (Water Full Resolution) data at ~300 m resolution.

      • There are different data products associated with the three levels of processing of OLCI: Level-0, Level-1 and Level-2.

Level-2 products consist of geophysical quantities derived from the processing of measurement data provided in the Level-1 product. Level-2 products specifically for marine and land application

OLCI Level-1 and 2 data products are available to the general public.

?Further Information about Sentinel-3 Products